Sharing My Heart

1 Peter 2:9

"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, A PECULIAR PEOPLE..." KJV "...God's instruments to do His work and speak out for Him to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you." The Message

God has always spoken to me through His written word...and for whatever reason, I have to write to learn and write to's just who I He created me. My greatest desire is that God will take my thoughts, and prayers, and wrestling to obey...and will speak to you in whatever way you need Him to.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Sitting in the House....Disappointment With God

I've always loved Mary, Lazarus's sister because she's so real. Mary, the girl who loved Jesus so much she followed Him everywhere He went, sitting at His feet and listening to His every word. Mary, who forgot all about her chores (until her sister became angry) because she was too busy making time for what is most important--the only thing that really matters--knowing Christ. Mary, the only one who really got it. And Mary, who lost her brother and was so devastated and disappointed with God that she wouldn't leave the house to speak to Him. "When Martha got word that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet him. But Mary stayed in the house." John 11:22 Like Mary...I often sit in the house, so disappointed with God that there's really nothing I want to say to Him. But I'm learning that when I have nothing to say to Him, that's exactly when He wants to see me. John 11:28-29 "...She called Mary aside from the mourners and said, 'the Teacher is here and wants to see you.' So Mary immediately went to Him." Maybe all God wants me to do is leave the house, fall at his feet, and tell Him how much I'm hurting, "When Mary arrived and saw Jesus, she fell at his feet and said, 'Lord if only you had been here, my brother would not have died.'"John 11:32 I'm learning God doesn't want us to pretend. Faith isn't saying all of the right things....things we don't feel or believe. Faith is coming honestly before God and giving Him our hearts... no matter how shattered they may be. When we fall at His feet in total honesty and surrender, He shows up to weep with us, and to do things we could never imagine like raise dead men. John 11:40 "Jesus responded, "Didn't I tell you that you would see God's glory if you believe?"

Sunday, October 26, 2014

My Best Friend

Thinking...about so many things right now...and hurting for all of my friends and family members who don't know my Jesus. So thankful for Art, the sweet man who came alongside me when I lost my mom and introduced me to the only one who will never leave me or forsake me--Hebrews 13:5. Wishing I could introduce all of my friends and family to my best friend Jesus. I don't know how people live without Him--it's hard enough with him! Thinking about faith...what it is and isn't and what draws us to Jesus or turns us away from Him.  My Pastor says, saving faith isn't what we say, feel, or think, and it's not just believing Jesus exists--even the demons believe this and shudder. Faith is something we do. Faith is loving the man who died for us, it's believing that what He says is true and trusting Him because of how much He first loved us. Faith is loving God so completely that you trust Him to run your life, that you just want to please Him with everything you do--even when it breaks your heart because you know that this life is short and eternity is all that matters. Faith is getting up no matter how many times we fail Him or doubt Him and running back into His waiting arms.

Art Fowler