Sharing My Heart

1 Peter 2:9

"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, A PECULIAR PEOPLE..." KJV "...God's instruments to do His work and speak out for Him to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you." The Message

God has always spoken to me through His written word...and for whatever reason, I have to write to learn and write to's just who I He created me. My greatest desire is that God will take my thoughts, and prayers, and wrestling to obey...and will speak to you in whatever way you need Him to.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Cutting Saul's Robe

Anyone else enjoy just a little revenge? We all have enemies...people who've hurt us and who make life miserable for us. And we know we need to forgive them. We know we need to love them as Christ loves us. Most of the time, we really try our best. But sometimes we just can't resist that small, momentary opportunity for revenge. You know what I'm talking about. Something bad happens to your enemy and you secretly rejoice. A co-worker asks what you know about your "favorite" person, and before you know it, you're engaging in some "harmless" slander. And best of ask all of your friends to "pray" for so-and-so as you spill all of the ugly details. Just a little revenge...David knew what it was like. He served crazy King Saul who constantly tied to kill him, made his life a living hell, and was controlled by an evil spirit. Talk about an enemy! David also knew that the job title "king" was destined to be his--he just had no idea when. One day, he had his chance...that brief momentary opportunity for revenge. Saul was sleeping in a cave and David stood over him. He knew he couldn't kill the king, but he needed just a little revenge. So David cut off a piece of Saul's robe--just to scare him. And you know what? Instead of enjoying his revenge, God's spirit pierced him 1 Samuel 24. David knew it was wrong. He knew revenge belongs to God alone. God sees it all and promises to fight for us, but we have to remember the battle is His. God can't bless, honor, or uphold us until we stop cutting Saul's robe.

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