Sharing My Heart

1 Peter 2:9

"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, A PECULIAR PEOPLE..." KJV "...God's instruments to do His work and speak out for Him to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you." The Message

God has always spoken to me through His written word...and for whatever reason, I have to write to learn and write to's just who I He created me. My greatest desire is that God will take my thoughts, and prayers, and wrestling to obey...and will speak to you in whatever way you need Him to.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Worthy Enough To Fill My Boots

I'll never forget the day I stood in front of my third graders wearing my Dad's huge old work boots. My plan was to teach a lesson about choosing good fit books. God and the kids had a different plan. They had a lesson for me....
       Ready to teach, I excitedly began clomping around the classroom in my work boots until the kids were rolling on the floor in fits of laughter. When they finally quieted down, I asked, "Does anyone know why I'm wearing these boots today?" A boy immediately said, "Yeah, Miss Andy they're your husband-hunting boots." Stunned!!! all I could manage was, "They're my what?" He calmly explained, "Whenever a lady isn't married she should put on men's work boots and walk around the school. This way all the men will know she needs a husband. She should watch all of the men carefully, and when she finds one who is worthy enough--she should let him fill her boots." A speechless teacher does a lot of thinking. And I've done a lot of thinking since that day...thinking about how I'll know when I've found a man who's worthy enough. I've been single long enough that I've given up my dreams of white picket fences and of being carried away by a Christian Prince Charming who is practically perfect in every way. Real life is messy, and things never go as we dream they will. But I've also waited long enough that I refuse to settle for a man who isn't worthy enough. Pastor Alistair Begg says a man who's worthy enough will: 1) Be committed to growth in Christ (he won't be someone I have to lead) 2) Model genuine humility 3) Be honest to a fault 3) Be able to laugh 4) Love sacrifically 5) Model servant leadership--not domineering leadership. I couldn't agree with him more. Five important qualities--my non-negotiables. All the rest, I leave with God. And for those who say my standards are too high--as the old saying goes "I'd rather want what I don't have than have what I don't want." So as I walk around school each day, wearing my husband-hunting boots, I'm going to be watching carefully. And if I happen to meet a man I love, who's worthy enough, I just might give him my boots to fill.

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